The following article is written in order to demonstrate how my arduino libraries libRtttl & AnyRtttl can be used to convert arduino code (tone()
and delay()
functions calls) into actual RTTTL melodies.
Keep reading How to convert arduino code to actual RTTTL melodies using libRtttl and AnyRtttl ?
The following article is about another library that I have written: libRtttl is a c++ library for manipulating the RTTTL audio format.
Keep reading libRtttl – A c++ library (with UI) for compressing/optimizing the RTTTL audio format ?
The following article is about yet another Arduino library that I have written. AnyRtttl is a feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. The library offers much more interesting features than relying on the widely available void play_rtttl(char *p)
function. The AnyRtttl is a feature rich library which supports all best RTTTL features.
Keep reading AnyRtttl – A feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies ?
The following article is about my first Arduino library that I have written. NonBlockingRTTTL is a non-blocking arduino library for playing RTTTL data.
Keep reading NonBlockingRTTTL – A non-blocking arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies ?
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