Tag Archives: open source

libArgvCodec – A c++ library which properly encode and decode command line arguments


This post is about a decade old problem: how to properly encode command line arguments. Properly encoding string arguments into a long command line should not be a complicated issue. However, I have seen multiple situations where people wrongfully assume that wrapping each argument with double quotes is ‘safe enough’ for most situations. That is simply not true.

Keep reading libArgvCodec – A c++ library which properly encode and decode command line arguments ?

libvariant c++ library

libVariant – A c++ library which encapsulate any value of variant types


The following article is about my new c++ library: libVariant. The library allows one to easily store/encapsulate a value of any c++ type into an instance of type Variant. The library is useful for declaring objects, interfaces, APIs or plugins to be type-independent.

Keep reading libVariant – A c++ library which encapsulate any value of variant types ?

Exemple de d'affichage toutes les polices

Comment afficher un exemple de toutes les polices dans Microsoft Word


À chaque fois que je travail en graphisme et que je dois ajouter du texte à une image, je me retrouve toujours avec le même problème: “Comment faire pour identifier rapidement la meilleure police pour mon affiche ?”

Je crois maintenant avoir finalement trouver la solution à ce problème.

Lire la suite de Comment afficher un exemple de toutes les polices dans Microsoft Word ?

DIY lost plane alarm finder and 10 watts LED visual aids for easy orientation


The reason I started this project is because I recently had a bad experience flying a quadcopter too far from me until I was not able to distinguish if the quad was facing me or not. It does not require much distance before a quadcopter looks like a tiny black dot in the sky. Basically, I lost orientation of the quad and I had to land way too far from my takeoff location.

I was in need of more tools (or more ways) to help myself when I will inevitably get into this situation again. The following project explains how I build a DIY solution to help a pilot know a quadcopter orientation when its far away from the point of view and easily locate the quadcopter in case of emergency landing.

Keep reading DIY lost plane alarm finder and 10 watts LED visual aids for easy orientation ?

Car Engine Model plot using cvsplot

csvplot – A command line script which uses Microsoft Excel to plot a graph from a Comma-separated values (CSV) file

Please note that csvplot source code is now moved to GitHub. Source code can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub page.


I do software prototyping using a wide range of programming language. I often have to generate data that changes over time which is mostly displayed in a grid format. However, that’s not the best way to understand how the data changes over time compared to plotting the data to a graph.

Most programming language I know does not offer a native library for plotting data to a graph. It is not an easy task. Most programming language often require external libraries for implementing the process and each library does not work the same way.

Excel is a native platform for parsing Comma-separated values (CSV) files and can be scripted to plot the result into an image.

The purpose of this script is to allows any programming language which generates data to plot the data into an image by saving the raw data to a CSV file and then using the power of Excel to plot the result into an image.

Keep reading csvplot – A command line script which uses Microsoft Excel to plot a graph from a Comma-separated values (CSV) file ?

SoftTimers – A collection of software timers to easily compute elapsed time since an event occurred


The following article is about my simplest library that I wrote for the arduino: SoftTimers. The SoftTimers arduino library allows one to properly time multiple events and know when each “timer” expires meaning that an action is required.

Keep reading SoftTimers – A collection of software timers to easily compute elapsed time since an event occurred ?

AnyRtttl arduino library

AnyRtttl – A feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies


The following article is about yet another Arduino library that I have written. AnyRtttl is a feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. The library offers much more interesting features than relying on the widely available void play_rtttl(char *p) function. The AnyRtttl is a feature rich library which supports all best RTTTL features.

Keep reading AnyRtttl – A feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies ?


win32Arduino: a win32 library that implements most arduino functions


Please note that win32Arduino source code is now moved to GitHub. Source code can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub page.

After implementing many arduino library, I realized that unit testing a library is harder than I though. Most of the time, the library does not even require advanced arduino functionalities and could be tested outside of the arduino platform.

The win32Arduino is a solution to this issue.

Keep reading win32Arduino: a win32 library that implements most arduino functions ?