Tag Archives: arduino

DIY lost plane alarm finder and 10 watts LED visual aids for easy orientation


The reason I started this project is because I recently had a bad experience flying a quadcopter too far from me until I was not able to distinguish if the quad was facing me or not. It does not require much distance before a quadcopter looks like a tiny black dot in the sky. Basically, I lost orientation of the quad and I had to land way too far from my takeoff location.

I was in need of more tools (or more ways) to help myself when I will inevitably get into this situation again. The following project explains how I build a DIY solution to help a pilot know a quadcopter orientation when its far away from the point of view and easily locate the quadcopter in case of emergency landing.

Keep reading DIY lost plane alarm finder and 10 watts LED visual aids for easy orientation ?

SoftTimers – A collection of software timers to easily compute elapsed time since an event occurred


The following article is about my simplest library that I wrote for the arduino: SoftTimers. The SoftTimers arduino library allows one to properly time multiple events and know when each “timer” expires meaning that an action is required.

Keep reading SoftTimers – A collection of software timers to easily compute elapsed time since an event occurred ?

AnyRtttl arduino library

AnyRtttl – A feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies


The following article is about yet another Arduino library that I have written. AnyRtttl is a feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. The library offers much more interesting features than relying on the widely available void play_rtttl(char *p) function. The AnyRtttl is a feature rich library which supports all best RTTTL features.

Keep reading AnyRtttl – A feature rich arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies ?


win32Arduino: a win32 library that implements most arduino functions


Please note that win32Arduino source code is now moved to GitHub. Source code can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub page.

After implementing many arduino library, I realized that unit testing a library is harder than I though. Most of the time, the library does not even require advanced arduino functionalities and could be tested outside of the arduino platform.

The win32Arduino is a solution to this issue.

Keep reading win32Arduino: a win32 library that implements most arduino functions ?

How to multiplex RC Transmitter switches into a single channel

How to multiplex RC Transmitter switches into a single channel


In a personal project, I wanted to add 2 new devices to an existing quadcopter. The quadcopter was equipped with a 6-channel receiver meaning I only had 1 spare channel to control the 2 devices:
CH 1 : Throttle
CH 2 : Rudder
CH 3 : Ailerons
CH 4 : Elevator
CH 5 : Flight mode
CH 6 : ???
The following article explains how I manage to solve the issue: How can I control more than one device using a single channel.

Keep reading How to multiplex RC Transmitter switches into a single channel ?
Arduino RcReceiverSignal library

RcReceiverSignal: an arduino library for retrieving the RC Transmitter value from an RC Receiver pulse


The following arduino library was written to use the findings found during the Mapping RC Transmitter PWM signal to actual transmitter values article. All results were wrapped into a library for ease of use.

The RcReceiverSignal is an arduino library that allows one to read a signal sent from a Remote Controlled (RC) receiver.

Keep reading RcReceiverSignal: an arduino library for retrieving the RC Transmitter value from an RC Receiver pulse ?

Mapping RC Transmitter PWM signal to actual transmitter values

Mapping RC Transmitter PWM signal to actual transmitter values


If you ever need to use an RC Transmitter & receiver for a personal project, an easy way to retrieve the signal is to connect the receiver to a micro-controller.

However, decoding the signal to get actual transmitter values is not as easy as it sounds. You need to know the correct encoding and searching on the internet about the subject gives erratic results.

Here is the full article that explains how to correctly map an RC Transmitter PWM signal to actual transmitter values.

Keep reading Mapping RC Transmitter PWM signal to actual transmitter values ?

Arduino BitReader library

BitReader – An arduino library for reading & writing data as chunks of bits


Here is another arduino library that I have written.

As a desktop developer, I am not used to have memory (or even CPU) requirements as most developers will not look at memory consumption as an arduino developer would. Memory & CPU is cheap. If your application is struggling to run on today’s computer, it will run smoothly in 1-2 years.

As most arduino developers have faced, the amount of memory available on embedded devices is pretty limited. Having a way to save bits or our precious memory is interesting.

BitReader is an arduino library that allows one to read or write data as chunks of bits.

Keep reading BitReader – An arduino library for reading & writing data as chunks of bits ?